Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 12, 2024
It Is the Hour of Awakening, Meditate People All, Meditate!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on April 10, 2023

It is the hour of awakening, meditate people all, meditate!
Beloved children, prepare your souls, make yourselves ready to receive Grace.
Behold, I will thunder with power, the whole Universe will hear, I will knock tirelessly on the hearts of men, I will make Myself known, ... I will manifest Myself in My infinite Mercy.
Tremble O men, tremble oh you who still mock Me and deny Me, rise up to Me quickly, this is the hour of the awakening of consciences!
Listen to these Words of Mine, open your ears to My Voice, wake up from the torpor that grips your hearts. Shake yourselves, My children, shake yourselves, your God longs for your awakening. Return to Life, place no resistance, all is accomplished!
I will open My Heaven to all My Children and give them true life in Me.
Let Me cradle you, embrace you and set you rejoicing in Me, in My infinite Beauties you will have the New Paradise; in My Mercy I will embrace you to Me, if you say your yes to Me. I await you with trembling love.
In these last hours, shake off the world, come out of the Lie, direct yourselves to Me.
Beloved Children, oh you who say you love Me, in all sincerity I say to you:
Are you ready to leave your possessions for Me? your earthly securities to follow Me? Know how to offer Me your all, ... as I have done for you.
Strip yourselves of what is superfluous, share with the poor, with those who are lonely, ... share with Me.
Do not think of deceiving your God, He sees, He knows your thoughts.
Do not deceive your neighbor for your own personal gain lest My wrath be poured out on you!
Everything you possess today you will have to abandon, no property you will take with you: naked you were born and naked you will leave.
I implore charity from My Children, be merciful like your Father in Heaven.
Source: ➥